IEI CE Course
Independent Education Institute (IEI) - CE Course from IEI Course Catalogue
Exposure to Communicable Disease and HIV within Our Working Environment
This course provides an indepth overview of communicable diseases and HIV within the working...
What Can I Do? Your Options and Exposure to Cremation Authorization Disputes
This is a refresher course on the laws that apply to cremation authorizations, options for dealing...
FTC Funeral Rule Compliance from Certified Safety Training
This course is intended to help you, the funeral provider, comply with the Federal Trade...
Lead Generation - The New Online Dating
You will learn how to leverage online lead generation tools that will allow you to connect with...
EPA Evaluation of Formaldehyde, NFDA Formaldehyde Study, Manage Risk for Embalmers
This course provides current information on formaldehyde and best practices to manage risk for...
Strategic Partnerships - Florida End-of-Life Doula Association
You will learn about the specific services that end-of-life doulas offer and how funeral homes can...
Keys for Crossing and Closing the Experience-Perception Gap
You will learn great ideas for communicating the value of a funeral and the value of your services...
Head Seat at the Table - How Grassroots Advocacy and Professional Integrity's Bright Future
This course focuses on the importance of grassroots advocacy and political engagement by...
How the Treatment of Deceased Bodies May Impact Funeral Service in Your State
You will learn about the unregulated body broker industry and federal legislation that will...
The Urns and Outs of Cremation Memorialization
You will discover the reasons families have chosen cremation over the years and how funeral and...
Music, Words & Ceremony for Natural Burial Graveside Services
You will learn about green burial services that you can use to address the needs of grieving...
Understanding Hospice & Building a Supportive and Complementary Relationship
You will learn about the Hospice Benefit and the scope of services included in the Hospice Benefit...