IEI CE Course

Exposure to Communicable Disease and HIV within Our Working Environment This course provides an indepth overview of communicable diseases and HIV within the working...
Member Price: $60
Non-Member Price: $100
What Can I Do? Your Options and Exposure to Cremation Authorization Disputes This is a refresher course on the laws that apply to cremation authorizations, options for dealing...
Member Price: $30
Non-Member Price: $50
FTC Funeral Rule Compliance from Certified Safety Training This course is intended to help you, the funeral provider, comply with the Federal Trade...
Member Price: $30
Non-Member Price: $50
Lead Generation - The New Online Dating You will learn how to leverage online lead generation tools that will allow you to connect with...
Member Price: $30
Non-Member Price: $50
EPA Evaluation of Formaldehyde, NFDA Formaldehyde Study, Manage Risk for Embalmers This course provides current information on formaldehyde and best practices to manage risk for...
Member Price: $30
Non-Member Price: $50
Strategic Partnerships - Florida End-of-Life Doula Association You will learn about the specific services that end-of-life doulas offer and how funeral homes can...
Member Price: $30
Non-Member Price: $50
Keys for Crossing and Closing the Experience-Perception Gap You will learn great ideas for communicating the value of a funeral and the value of your services...
Member Price: $30
Non-Member Price: $50
Head Seat at the Table - How Grassroots Advocacy and Professional Integrity's Bright Future This course focuses on the importance of grassroots advocacy and political engagement by...
Member Price: $30
Non-Member Price: $50
How the Treatment of Deceased Bodies May Impact Funeral Service in Your State You will learn about the unregulated body broker industry and federal legislation that will...
Member Price: $30
Non-Member Price: $50
The Urns and Outs of Cremation Memorialization You will discover the reasons families have chosen cremation over the years and how funeral and...
Member Price: $30
Non-Member Price: $50
Music, Words & Ceremony for Natural Burial Graveside Services You will learn about green burial services that you can use to address the needs of grieving...
Member Price: $30
Non-Member Price: $50
Understanding Hospice & Building a Supportive and Complementary Relationship You will learn about the Hospice Benefit and the scope of services included in the Hospice Benefit...
Member Price: $30
Non-Member Price: $50