I-Succession: Lesson 2 Part 2
I-Sucession: Lesson 2 Part 2 on Establishing Your Financial Independence
By Daniel M. Isard, MSFS
I cannot believe how many members of IFDF are curious about learning more about I-Succession. The association management team and your board of directors wanted to help members with the most important decision of their lives. That was, how to be prepared to buy or sell a funeral business. They created I-Succession to be an education pathway for both sides. In the past, a business owner had to rely upon his advisors at the time of need. I-Succession is helping “preneed” the process of buying or selling the independently owned funeral business. Through our blogs, presentations at the upcoming convention and the video series, we are taking baby steps to educate you.
The video series is intended to lay it out in short bites. It has taken me 40 years to learn the in’s and out’s of business transfer. The more you know about the planning, the more you can have faith the outcome has the best chance for a lifetime of comfort. This month’s video shows the components of I-Succession. This is what makes this the most creative member program offered by any state funeral association. Twice monthly I will be providing a short educational video for the IFDF members. I hope you like it!
Daniel M. Isard | Founder
7301 N. 16th Street, Suite 103 | Phoenix, AZ 85020
602-274-6464 | danisard@theforesightcompanies.com | www.theforesightcompanies.com