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Workplace Safety: Upside Potential and Downside Risk

Presented by Mark Harrison, Partner, Certified Safety Training

Wednesday, July 20, 2022
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM (EDT)

Event Details

A "Straight Talk" 


Mark Harrison

Partner, CST (Certified Safety Training)


"Workplace Safety: Upside Potential and Downside Risk"

Learn How Much OSHA Violations Actually Are and How to Build a Culture to Prevent Them

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm EDT

Zoom Webinar

(1-hr CE Course*)

If you own or work in a funeral home, you know about OSHA. What you may not know is that OSHA typically doesn’t show up unless they hear of a $10,000 violation or more or that the average OSHA fine in a funeral home is more than $13,000.

In this session, Certified Safety Training (CST) outlines how to build and leverage a culture of safety to eliminate the largest OSHA fines before they exist. We look at the top OSHA fines, distill complex technical regulations into plain English, and show you how to award yourself for “proactive safety.” We offer the necessary training tools and resources to ensure you meet and exceed OSHA’s funeral home standards and never pay an OSHA fine.

About the Presenter

Mark Harrison is the President of Certified Safety Training, the exclusive safety and compliance provider to the NFDA. Mark has extensive experience in online education and digital training and has launched successful online safety and compliance services in the death care, veterinarian and dental industries. Mark has delivered educational seminars to the following associations: National Funeral Directors, National Funeral Directors and Morticians, New York State Funeral Directors, Independent Funeral Directors of Florida, Wisconsin Funeral Directors, and the Funeral Association of Canada. He is routinely refining and enhancing his approach and believes in a student-centered approach to education. 

Mark holds a bachelor's degree from Dickinson College and a master's degree from Montclair State University. He enjoys traveling internationally (prior to the pandemic), playing sports, binge-watching TV shows, and spending time with his young family. You can contact Mark directly at Certified Safety Training is backed by Certified Safety Professionals, and more than two decades of death care safety experience and award-winning safety programs.

*To obtain 1 continuing education credit:

  • You must be an IFDF member (firm establishment owner, individual member, and affiliate member).
  • You must attend the full webinar to obtain credit; partial credit will not be awarded.
  • You must login to Zoom using your full name and remain logged into the webinar for the entirety of the event.
  • Prior to or immediately after the event, forward your FL license number to Ruth Bedell, to sign up for CE credit.
  • IFDF will issue documentation granting credit within 2 weeks post-event after verifying full attendance.

Not an IFDF member? You can join as an Individual member and earn up to 6 CEUs at no cost and $20 each for the next 6 CEUs toward your license renewal by attending the monthly "Straight Talks."

Click here for more information and to join

For More Information:

Ruth Bedell, PhD, QAS
Ruth Bedell, PhD, QAS
Independent Funeral Directors of Florida (850)222-0198